Research Specialties

Our consultancy and specialist services

Our Consultancy Practice

As research consultants, we work with marketing and communications professionals in small, medium or large organisations on:

  • Branding development
  • Concept development and testing
  • Communications development and testing
  • Cultural context analysis such as semiotics
  • Customer journeys, information journeys and sense-making
  • Motivations and needs analysis and segmentation
  • Sensory qualitative research and co-creation
  • Stakeholder and customer surveys
  • Usage, behaviour and attitude studies

Young woman on chair with tablet
Understanding your older customers

Speciality: Retirees & Older Australians

  • We design and conduct customised research with people in the ‘older Australian’ segment
  • We use qualitative, quantitative and cultural insight methods.
  • Research for: brand image and rebranding; concept and product development; communications testing; customer experiences and journeys; strategy and policy development.
  • All based on our understanding of myths about ageing.
  • Check out these blog posts to find out more

Specialty: Message and Content Testing Based On Plain Language

We help organisations communicate complex or difficult ideas in their written content such as landing pages, redemption letters, brochures and more.

We bring independence, research skill, studies in interaction desgn and knowledge of the neuroscience of language to this work. As members of the Plain Language community we apply plain language principles so that they make sense to your organisation.

We use highlighter tests, user interviews and surveys for these projects.

Check out these blog posts to find out more

Young woman on chair with laptop